Difference with original bash completion

/!\ The completion suggestion will be displayed after the first hit on <TAB> against the usual <TAB><TAB>

So you will maybe hit this 'issue' and will need to change the defaults fzf-obc accept binding as suggest in the issue report.


This behavior is the default one.
fzf will be trigger over $COMPREPLY to let you filter the result easily.
The default binding to select an entry is the key <TAB> ( you already have your finger on it right ? )


Adding ** at the end of the cursor before pressing <TAB> activate the GLOB completion.

It has multiple effects depending on the situation :

  • Allow recursive and multiple selection on complete functions used for path/files lookup :
    • _filedir
      • cd
      • ls
      • and more than 400 commands
    • _filedir_xspec
      • vi(m)
      • bunzip2
      • lynx
      • and more than 140 commands
  • Allow multiple selection with all commands
    • select multiple docker containers to start/stop
    • select multiple options for tar
    • and more....
  • If there are no results, you will be aware by seeing the \*\* removed from your current search

Be aware that using this capability on huge directories could freeze your shell for ages

The bindings with globs are different ( <TAB>, <SHIFT-TAB> are used to (un)select multiples results and <ENTER> to validate )