Gnu Tools

  • awk, find, sed, sort


  • version >= 4.0


  • version >= 0.18

  • fzf-obc require to not use the default fzf bash complete script provided with fzf since it change the default complete functions too and fzf-obc needs to be over default complete functions.

  • fzf-obc should be the last completion function loaded into your profile.

If you install fzf for the first time :

Follow the official instructions but don't forget to install fzf without its own completion script:

$ ./install --no-completion

instead of

$ ./install

If you already have fzf installed :

You surely need to deactivate the auto-completion provided by fzf.
You could deactivate it inside your fzf config (usually ~/.fzf.bash or ~/.config/fzf/fzf.bash) by commenting the auto-completion section.

# Auto-completion
# ---------------
#[[ $- == *i* ]] && source "~/.local/opt/fzf/shell/completion.bash" 2> /dev/null