
Fzf-obc trap completion functions are add at the start of fzf-obc.

They are less often used than post completion functions because :

  • Only necessary for specific use cases when it is necessary to alter a private completion function.
  • Od at the start of fzf-obc, so the function targeted by the trap is not already loaded the trap will not be added.
  • Adding a trap alter the function and this is having as a side effect to modify $BASH_SOURCE and some functions will not work anymore.

Despite those warnings, a user can add its own trap completion functions if fzf-obc doesn't works well for specific cases or if the user is sure of its actions

Naming convention

The trap completion function could be used over any functions if the function exist prior to fzf-obc loading.

The trap completion prefix is __fzf_obc_trap_.

So if you want to alter the function _a_private_func before its return add a trap function named __fzf_obc_trap__a_private_func.


As an example, fzf-obc use a trap on _get_comp_words_by_ref to remove the eventual ** used to trigger "globs completion" and initialize a variable used by later functions.

__fzf_obc_trap__get_comp_words_by_ref() {
  : "${fzf_obc_is_glob:=0}"
  if [[ "${cur}" == *'**' ]];then