
Fzf-obc create a wrapper over existing completion function when it is load and create new ones when new completion functions are loaded dynamically.
Basically, fzf-obc don't touch anything (except two core function from bash-completion) until there is specific function for it.

The only core bash-completion functions override are _filedir / _filedir_xspec for those reasons :

  • compgen used in original bash complete functions doesn't handle newline in filenames
  • having a unique function for the files/dir is simpler to maintain than a trap
  • allow us more control over the results

Startup sequence

  • Source default fzf-obc functions
  • Load functions from ~/.config/fzf-obc and from paths specified in $FZF_OBC_PATH
  • Add _longopt as fzf completion script if there is not already one defined
  • Take a look at already bash complete functions defined and add the wrapper to them if not already done.
  • Add traps to functions if they exist and not already add.

Wrapper workflow

  • load configuration : default config, default user config, command config
  • call the original completion script (the one in charge to populate COMPREPLY)
  • if fzf-obc is enable for the actual command
    • load plugin config
    • plugin exist for the actual command and is enable
      • if a specific __fzf_obc_post_[command] function exist, run it
        • load subplugin config
        • execute subplugin functions if enable
      • display results by using __fzf_obc_sort_[command] function if exist, or the default one
      • if a specific __fzf_obc_finish_[command] function exist, run it
        • execute subplugin functions if enable
    • plugin doesn't exist for the actual command or is disable
      • display results by using default sort function
  • if fzf_obc is disable for the actual command
    • try to act as if fzf-obc was not there
  • check new complete functions loaded to add wrapper to them