
Don't forget to check the prerequisites
Don't forget to deactivate original fzf auto-completion as described in prerequisites

Set the path where to install fzf-obc

$ INSTALL_PATH=~/.local/opt/fzf-obc

Clone the repository

use latest source

$ git clone ${INSTALL_PATH}

use a specific release

$ git clone ${INSTALL_PATH}
$ git checkout x.x.X

Add fzf-obc to your .bashrc

$ echo "source ${INSTALL_PATH}/bin/fzf-obc.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

Make sure that fzf-obc is always the last completion script loaded in your profile

If you start a new shell you should be able to trigger fzf-obc by pressing <TAB> (only once) where you have to hit <TAB> twice with original bash completion before to see completion proposals.